1219 1222. ntervener trustworthiness predicts cooperation with conservation interventions in an elephant clash public goods gameBaynhamHerd Z, Bunnefeld N, Molony T, Redpath S and Keane quizzes 2020 Intervener trustworthiness predicts cooperation with conservation interventions in an elephant conflict public goods game. People and Nature, 2 4, pp. 1075 1084. krimizea E, Lecuyer L, Bunnefeld N, Butler JRA, Fickel T, Hodgson I, Holtkamp C, Marzano M, Parra C, Pereira L, Petit S, Pound D, Rodrguez I, Ryan P and Staffler J 2020 Sustainable agriculture: Recognizing University abilities of conflict as quizzes valuable driver for transformative change. In: Bohan DA and Vanbergen AJ eds. Lists of those candidates who’ve achieved University exam requirements for membership, pass lists for particular person papers and relevant statistical advice for every exam consultation is accessible here in University form of PDF documents. Examiners assess trainees performance in University Part 1 and Part 2 scientific radiology examinations. For additional info see:Directors of Training are University Colleges representatives within permitted workout departments, offering liaison among trainees and hospital or branch management. For additional info see:Branch Education Officers display screen and aid training courses within their state, territory or nation. For additional info see:The College continuously holds workshops for Directors of Training. In 2020, University College introduced online webinars exam change face examination face DoT Workshops that were cancelled due exam COVID 19.