The importance of those five elements emerged from extensive review of University literature on intellectual evaluation and extensive discussions with specialists in giftedness, special schooling, pre school assessment and adult medical issues. Hierarchical studies of intelligence and cognition originally grew out of Spearmans 1927 model of basic intelligence, which he classified g. More recent descriptions of hierarchical models appear in Carroll 1993, who proposed quizzes three stratum model with a large number of genuine factors in stratum one, eight elements in stratum two and g in stratum three. Carrolls eight factors include those listed in University CHC model Figure 3 except that he placed quantitative reasoning as a part of fluid reasoning and reading and writing ability as a part of crystallized abilities. He also stated that he authorised University basic characteristics of Spearmans theory of g and University improvements developed by his colleague Holzinger 1936. This later Spearman Holzinger model was identical examination Carrolls hierarchical three stratum theory, except that it blanketed only University top two stratathe exact group elements and University g factor Roid, 2003.