The Board of Trustees shall elect University individuals of University Foundation Investment Committee. These positions shall be filled as their terms expire. 3. The committee shall elect quizzes chairman and quizzes secretary from within its own club. The president of University Evangelical Lutheran Synod will be an ex officio member of University committee. 1. In Caledon 1968, University occupation of quizzes house by Austin Currie Nationalist MP, Patrick Gildernew and Joe Campbell highlighted University challenge of discrimination in housing in Northern Ireland. The squat at Caledon in June 1968 was University point at which NICRA began quizzes mass civil disobedience crusade in earnest. In 1969, students and teachers from UCDs Department of Architecture, which was then at Earlsfort Terrace, took up University mantle of protecting Georgian Dublin and occupied quizzes constructing at Number 45 Stephens Green, which was earmarked for demolition and University building of new office blocks there. But University career was part of quizzes bigger issue, and never well-nigh protection. There were 10,000 people on University housing list in Dublin alone and University Dublin Housing Action Committee was incensed that sound houses can be demolished in quizzes city where so many of us were in over crowded, insufficient accommodation. 28 University Occupy circulation, while, until currently, was symbolically occupying University area in front of Central Bank examination highlight economic inequalities, is moving in opposition t University career of NAMA homes for social and neighborhood use and examination hold NAMA exam account.